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Calculating payload and actual laden weight
The mass of the personal effects required for two people to go caravanning is approximately 100kg. Thia may include, for example: bedding, clothing, cooking utensils, crockery, cutlery, food and external water carrier.
A further 25kg for each additional person should be allowed for item such as books, drinks, and other non essentials
You can
a) weigh each item before it is placed in the caravan and add the total to the MRO
b) take the fully loaded caravan to a public weighbridge.
The address of your nearest public weighbridge can be obtained from your local Council<>s Trading Standards Department (Weights and Measures).
Note: Although regularly checked, weighbridges may give varying results as they are calibrated for much heavier vehicles.
A public weighbridge operator will give you a written or printed record for each weighing.
Remember: The weight of the battery, gas cylinders and any manufacturer or dealer options must always be taken into account.
Calculating the caravan/car weight ratio
This ratio is the acual laden weight of the caravan expressed as a percentage of the MRO of the car, i.e.:
Why is this ratio so important ?
It is used to ensure your fully loaded caravan is appropriate for your towing experience as it has a major influence on towing stability.
The caravan industry recommends:
For a novice caravanner, ideally, this should not exceed 85%.
For an experienced caravanner the maximum recommended ratio is 100%, provided the figure is permissible in respect of the cars publised capability.
Remember: The weight of your personal effects and the optional equipment you have fitted will effect the result
Keep the caravan as light as possible the lower the weight, the better the match and, provided items are stowed properly, the safer it is to tow. The greater the actual laden weight of the caravan and the greater the train weight set for the car, the more careful and experienced in towing the driver needs to be.
Note: Care must always be taken not to exceed the cars loading and towing limits including the Gross Train Weight which takes preference over the weight ratios above.