The Towball Assembly

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Care must be taken when matching the towball type to the coupling head. Generally it is best to use the towball supplied with the towbar (assuming that the ball is not integrated into the design, as in the case of a swan neck or detachable bar).

However some caravan coupling heads, e.g. those fitted with AL-KO AKS stabilisers, MUST be used with a special AL-KO towball available from AL-KO or reputable towbar fitters. This ensures that these relatively large coupling heads can articulate freely without interferingwith the neck of the towball. Failure to use the correct towball in these circumstances can lead to towball and coupling damage and inadvertent detachment.

Very important - if your car is fitted with a detachable towball and you have removed the towball from the connecting socket, you should ensure that it is fully engaged and the lock mechanism has worked correctly when you replace it.
Ensure that any road dirt or debris is cleaned thoroughly from the engagement receptacle prior to refitting and always follow the manufacturers instructions precisely. Check that the ball has fully locked home after refitting. Failure to follow the manufacturers instructions could result in the towball dis-engaging unexpectedly.

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