Car's Rear Suspension

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When a caravan is attached to the towball on the back of a car, some of the weight of the caravan is borne by the rear suspension of the car. This may cause the car to achive a ‘nose up’ attitude, in addition to any change caused by a load carried in the rear of the car. This attitude can be seen from the side of the car and may well be sufficient to mis-aim the headlights significantly and potentially reduce the effectiveness of the steering system.

To alleviate this ‘nose up’ attitude, it may be feasible to change or augment the car’s rear suspension stiffness, though this will not increase the maximum load allowable on the rear axle. This suspension alteration may be achivable by fitting a product available from the car manufacturer or a reputable aftermarket suspensiom/towing specialist.

Advice is available from the Clubs and from specialist dealers.

Note: Some suspension assisters are designed to stiffen the springs when a caravan imposes noseweight on the towball but they do not come into effect when you are driving your car without towing. A progressive strengthening device offers distinct benefits.

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